Rules and Regulations

Approved by

2023-2024 BOD

Lake Huron Yachts (LHY) Rules and Regulations    Rev 1:  April 2016

Truth is--- we come here to enjoy one another’s company,  the docks and clean waters of Lake Huron and our sailing basin.  To ensure the enjoyment of everyone, the LHY Board has approved the following rules and regulations.

Harbour Rules:

All areas in the harbor are a no wake zone; boat speed should be limited accordingly.

Boats entering the Entrance Channel from the lake have right-of–way over those leaving the Basin.

Kayaks, paddleboards, sailboards have the right of way over powered sail or motorboats.  People using non-powered crafts must realize that larger boats have limited maneuverability when entering the Basin Chanel.

Shareholders and Renters may not anchor their boats in the Basin on a long-term basis.

Docks Moorings & Yard:

Electric power cords should be in good repair and not come in contact with the water.  The circuit breaker should be turned in the off position when the power cord is not in use.

Mooring lines should be adequately sized minimum acceptable is 3/8” in diameter.  Owners are responsible for damage done to neighbouring boats.

Fueling of boats can only be done at the mast hoist dock

Barbequing is prohibited on boats at their moorings.  Please use on-shore Bbqs.

Halyards of moored sailboats must be tied away from the mast. Windy days and clanging are very irritable.

Please notify the harbor master of the dates you will be away from your dock.  These docks would be available for short term rental to transient boaters.

Each boat owner must supply a copy of proof of insurance annually to an LHY Board member or harbor master.

There will be no restrictions on the use of a member’s boat by any person who has permission of the owner.

Shareholders, renters and guests shall act in a manner considerate of others.  Quiet times are from 11:00 PM to 7:30 AM.

All persons at all times must obey the liquor laws of Ontario

Tenants & Shareholders:

Boats are to be used for pleasure only and not for commercial purposes, anyone violating this rule agrees to vacate the marina upon written notice from the Board.

Storage of gasoline, flammable or explosives on the dock is expressly forbidden by the Fire Department regulations and Lake Huron Yachts.

Spray painting of any kind is not permitted when in a boat slip.

Throwing or discharging refuse, oil, spirits, flammable liquids or oily bilge water is prohibited.

Except for entering or leaving a slip no engine, generator or other noise sources may be operated between 9:00 PM and 8:00 AM. Consideration for your neighbours is important.

No part of the boat may extend over the dock or beyond the end of the slip unless approved by the LHY Board.

The Tennant agrees to pay for any damages caused by the Tennant, or any of his agents, employees, children or guests. The conduct of the above-named is the responsibility of the Tenant.  The Tenant is responsible for making their guests aware of the LHY rules and regulations.

Tenants and Shareholders agree to hold LHY free from any harm and indemnify against all claims, loss or liability from and account of any danger or injury to third party persons or property of third persons on account of any act or omission on the part of the Tenant, Shareholder or his agents, employees or guests, or in the use of the moorings or the mooring space for the boat.

Shareholders and Tenants are required to have children under eight years of age to wear life jackets at all times when on Lake Huron Yacht property.

Approved by the Board of Directors May 6, 2014

Put Simply:

Be Considerate

Overall, LHY simply asks that you are considerate of the people, and property around you.

We want Lake Huron Yachts to be a calm, relaxing, and positive environment for everyone to enjoy.